Managing Committee

Managing Committee elected by election held under on special constitution approved by the board :
SL.No. | Category of the Members | Category to which they belong |
1 | President | Bramhachari Riten Bhai |
2 | Vice-President | Bramhachari Mural Bhai |
3 | Secretary | Bramhachari Dipali Debi |
4 | Life Member | Shri Dwrjesh Dutta |
5 | Member | Bramhachari Ashim Bhai |
6 | Joint Secretary | Hem Nalini Bhattacharya |
7 | D.N. | Shri Sukumar Das |
8 | P.J.R. | Shri Tarasankar Bandopadhyay |
9 | Guardian’s Representative | Shri Bhabataran Mukherjee |
10 | Guardian’s Representative | Bramhacharini Gouri Debi |
11 | Guardian’s Representative | Bramhacharini Ava Debi |
12 | Guardian’s Representative | Bramhachari Swapna Debi |
13 | Guardian’s Representative | Bramhachari Joyanti Debi |
14 | Guardian’s Representative | Bramhachari Sabita Debi |
15 | Teacher’s Representative | Madhumita Khastgir |
16 | Teacher’s Representative | Rina Halder |
17 | Teacher’s Representative | Bajayanti Gupta |
18 | Non-Teaching Representative | Pobitra Das |